Members Login
Your complete general merchandise supplier!
200,000+ sq ft warehouse service over 1,000 independent retailers throughout the U.S.
25,000+ regularly stocked Sku's. Member stores receive everyday catalogs indexed into 22 individual departments.
Shipment to stores within 48 hrs with a 94-96% overall fill rate.
One annual national trade show.
A member-owned co-op that works for you!
Incentive rebates
1,000 drop ship vendors will bill through VDI at a reasonable fee.
Freight allowances available to most states (depending on location).
The buying power of 1,000+ stores
Low corporate overhead
Programs to increase your store sales!
A complete store development department utilizing Plan-O-Grams, Blueprints, and Shelf Tags to create a store from the ground up or enhance a present store.
Seasonal merchandise including Valentine, Easter, spring and summer, lawn and garden, back-to-school, Halloween, Christmas (toys, decorations, gifts, and candy) with extended seasonal dating, low prices, and case pack discounts.

Variety Distributors, Inc ("VDI") reserves the right to sell or distribute goods or merchandise to or throughout any or all retailers, merchants, dealers, members, or distributors in any city, county, state, region nation, or other area or location.
VDI grants no exclusive rights to any party for the sale or distribution of any particular goods, or of goods in any particular location. VDI grants no exclusive right to the use or licensing of VDI trade names or intellectual property, including but not limited to "Hometown Variety", and reserves the right to authorize such use by or licensing to any or all entities regardless of location.